On going second last drawing of Deirdre Swords from the first course at New York Tibetan Art Studio. Deirdre is the founder and Director at Red Hook Art Project. She studied at Harvard University and Studio School of New York. At New York Tibetan Art Studio Deirdre has studied for about five years.
Her most recent solo exhibition in year 2012 was tiltled,”They Who Would Cultivate” shown at John Davis Gallery, Hudson, NY.

The last five images are of Kevin Connolly’s last drawing from the first course at NYTAS. Kevin has a Fine Arts Diploma from Parktown College, Johannesburg, South Africa. He recently had a show at Barsky Gallery- Hoboken and participated in the Art for Tibet benefit show at the Tibet House. He is currently the Scenic Artist at upcoming crime drama film titled, “the Wolf of the Wall Street” directed by Martin Scorsese. Kevin has studied at New York Tibetan Art Studio for close to five years.

Photo Courtesy of Pema Rinzin

